over 2 years ago - Boggzy - Direct link

Part of the reason Haida is a little too good for her tier is that her conceal is head-and-shoulders better than that vast majority of other T7 destroyers. I’d wager that anyone familiar with Haida knows just how strong that makes her.

Huron should be an excellent version of a Canadian Tribal-class that fits within the T7 balance spectrum better than Haida does. Trade crawling smoke for a heal and trade a little concealment for better dpm. Voila! Similar enough for a Haida enjoyer to take out and immediately feel familiar but different enough to have a new experience.

I, for one, am looking forward to it!

over 2 years ago - Boggzy - Direct link

But we're not making a Tier 8 ship. We are making a Tier 7 ship.

over 2 years ago - Boggzy - Direct link

I'm afraid that's not really an option at this point. Huron will be a Tier 7 Commonwealth destroyer similar to but different from her sister-ship, Haida.