over 4 years ago - Hapa_Fodder - Direct link

I am unsure why you think that " They will not want to hear it." but that isn't true as I keep telling everyone, people can tag me or PM me anytime at all.

I don't mind people telling me their opinions and such, HOWEVER, lines like "You wanna know why we aren't buying your premium ships? kind of makes me wonder. Like who's "we" you mean the royal we? Because I assure you if you mean "we" as in the player base, you're not correct with that statement.

Or just wondering is the "we" along the same lines of "The game is dying," "everyone is leaving," "no one wants to play this game anymore," thought process?

This change was a VERY smart one. It was purely because we were releasing information about ships, they were getting reviewed, the public was making their minds up on those reviews before the ships were even tested. Ships were changed and edited and then released and the reviews weren't particularly valid.

Indomitable case in point. "Otherwise known as - Indomitable was garbage and was a bad idea" it was reviewed as mediocre or not good.... So I bought one to test it, turns out it is one of my favorite CV's and I do fairly well in it. (I am arguably only average to above average in CV's BTW).

Once again, I have been playing this game since the second week of Alpha testing. And the game has NEVER had a mechanic that broke the game for me. Mechanics have changed, and I changed my tactics or how I played based on those mechanics. No change has really upset me as much as it has some in the community.

You adapt and you overcome. I don't take kindly and never have, in game or in life to blanket statements.

SO YES, we are tightening up the information that is released EARLY and its a GOOD thing. IMO, we have let out too much information on future content too early for too long.


over 4 years ago - Kalvothe - Direct link

Having things under NDA or embargo is not a new practice. Allowing players to get their hands on products early is also not a new practice. But, what becomes problematic is when an asset is released in this fashion they can be an extremely early stage of development, and that can cause some confusion. Either by us not communicating clearly that it is early or by people assuming that once it becomes available for some to play that it is in a close to the final version.

None of this was done with malicious intent or done to pull the wool over anyone's eyes.

I would encourage everyone to just take a step back, see how things go, and then share your feedback on this new way of doing things.

over 4 years ago - Kalvothe - Direct link

As we have said - and shown - we learned from the CV rework and applied those learnings to the way we're developing submarines.

over 4 years ago - Kalvothe - Direct link

I am sorry you feel that way - but no, this is not true. We do not have disdain for players.

We appreciate, and listen to feedback, argue as you wish with it, but it is true. We may not implement feedback that we are provided, or it may come in a different, iterated version, but the feedback is shared and discussed. It is not simply ignored.

Please don't confuse not implementing a specific amount of feedback, or an exact replica of feedback provided as ignoring it.

over 4 years ago - Kalvothe - Direct link

Where did I blame someone in my post?

over 4 years ago - Kalvothe - Direct link

Thanks for your thoughts on this, Ghostbuster.

Sadly, I get that anything I say here is not going to do anything but continue a conversation that does not seem to have a conclusion that makes everyone satisfied.

over 4 years ago - Kalvothe - Direct link

I retracted my question for now. This is not the right thread to get into that sort of deeper discussion about. But also, that is not really an answer to the question as I posed it.

over 4 years ago - Kalvothe - Direct link

Please don’t get this twisted. I plan to ask the question, but this thread is not the discussion for it.

over 4 years ago - Hapa_Fodder - Direct link


OKAY folks, that is enough conjecture and speculation. We in the NA Community don't hide anything, we don't have any devious motives to what we do, what we tell you, the information that is put out or how we handle our community.

@Kalvothe and I are probably some of the most transparent and straightforward people you can deal with in terms of community management.

Truth be told, we are VERY busy throughout the day, so while trying to answer your questions in whole, while talking with everyone else in every other topic, having discussions with people on Reddit, FB and Discord. If we say we want to hold off on an in depth discussion in a specific thread it is simply so we can pay it proper attention. At this time, this thread is done.

