almost 6 years ago - Kami - Direct link

Hey Captains,

Regarding the OP post, that is an incredible run of bad luck. After the first few losses what compelled you to keep grinding the same ship and not switching it up for a bit?

My tips when you hit that loss streak:

First and foremost, if a loss streak reaches 3 games, take a break for a bit and refocus.

Never chase the win. We all have struggled through wins/losses but if you keep chasing more wins when you are tilted, this will lead to more losses.

If you lose a few games in a certain ship, switch it up and try a different ship (if you aren't going to take a break).

Play with clan mates and division when you are grinding ships.

In the end it is random battles and sometimes it does not go your way. We have all gone through great winning streaks and awful losing streaks.

almost 6 years ago - Kami - Direct link

Hey FoxHunter422,

We appreciate that! Trust me there have been days when I have done everything I could in a match and it still ends in a loss. Some days are just not your day and it is easier to take a break, reset mentally and try again.

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