over 4 years ago - Femennenly - Direct link

This is not the case, not even close.

Matchmaking does not take into consideration any stats like W/R etc when determining teams.

Players get distributed onto teams based on the ship they are in and that's about it. Matchmaking within the first 3 minutes attempts to make teams with:

even numbers of each ship per side

even numbers of each tier

adhering to ship restrictions (CV / DD numbers)

Some of these restrictions are lifted outside the 3 minute mark in an attempt to make the match before the 5 minute mark.

Aspects including:

Player skill

Player W/R

Player premium status

Player clans

Playing a premium ship

Have no bearing on matchmaking.

over 4 years ago - Femennenly - Direct link

Yes, the system can still see hidden stats, naturally we can see whats in our systems.

Doesn't mean its used for anything.

I wrote that with the single player mind to keep things simple, but yes, you're right. If players are in divisions this would add into that divisions get split on teams.

over 4 years ago - Femennenly - Direct link

To clear confusion.

Our systems can see hidden stats.

Our systems do not use stats for any determination in game - hidden or not.
