almost 3 years ago - Boggzy - Direct link

Hi, there!
It's always hard to compare ships of different tiers - but I feel like I have some suspsicions:

New Mexico trades accuracy for extra guns.

Poor accuracy of New Mexico means landing punishing shots is less consistent.

HE shells at long range are often the better way to go against other battleships - as accuracy is less important when using HE

356mm guns means the AP only overmatches 24mm armor and below - meaning the 25mm and 26mm armored decks of most cruisers / battleships at tier 6 and above will deflect a lot of your AP shells.

The higher number of barrels means you can sometimes be saved by a "lucky spread" if you aim poorly.

Hitting Destroyers with HE is often more easy as the higher number of shells fired helps provide consistent hits.

Colorado has MUCH more accurate guns of 406mm caliber

406mm AP shells overmatch up 27mm plates - this means AP shells consistently damage enemy battleships up to and including T7, and cruisers all the way to T9, regardless of angle

HE shells from Colorado are less useful than New Mexico as you have accurate and powerful AP shells available.

I hope that helps explain why your Colorado may feel better than your New Mex. Warships are literally just floating platforms for the guns - so it's never a bad idea to think to yourself, "It's the guns, stupid".