about 5 years ago - Femennenly - Direct link

Heyo Captain,

Give me a moment and I will review your replay and offer some help.


about 5 years ago - Femennenly - Direct link


First a fact you point out is torpedoes, in improving play, being able to identify which ships have torpedoes at the start of a battle is super critical to helping avoid them.So looking at the team line up:

10 of the 12 enemy ships have torpedoes of varying quality. 4 of these being DDs so we need to be conscious that they can get quite close to you before being detected. However since the Gneisenau torps are pretty short and they wont be hard pushing you, we're going to disregard those for this analysis.

At 17:30:

We get the first feel for the distribution of the enemy ship positioning, from these lets highlight our ships with torps(with 2 not spotted yet - Kamikaze and Nicolas):

So given that the two unspotted DDs could be anywhere, lets assume where they could be, they'll have similar speed to other DDs so its fair to assume they could be around the E/F lines. Given their ships, particularly the Kamikaze being Japanese and its stats, has very good concealment (up to 5.4km) its very possible for it to get close to you without being detected, particularly if you don't have allies ahead of you to detect.

At 16:20-16:10

You have no allies in front of you providing screening for any incoming stealthy ships or torpedoes and are sailing in a predominantly straight line.

Via the kill feed, we see that the Kamikaze has killed the Emile Bertin, which was last in square E2, so we know he is not around us. The Nicholas is still not detected

At 15:36

We see the incoming torpedo to you: 2 sets of three, tracing the wake lines back, we can approximate where they came from (yellow):

Given the short time period; (about a minute) and the known positioning of the Guepard, my guess is that he took a path like this between 16:20 and 15:35 and launched the torpedos at that yellow point

At 14:38

We finally see the Nicholas at D4 so can say without a doubt that it was the Guepard that Torp'd you.

So, while unfortunate for you, there was nothing a-foul in this engagement.

Some tips I'd like to offer you for helping with these situations in the future:

Assessing your team line ups and knowing what does and doesn't have torpedoes can be useful in determining how safe a position is. This is something you can learn more in depth with time as to specific ranges on different ships, but a base knowledge of what has them and whether they are short / medium / long can help.

Cross reference your knowledge of what is on the enemy team with the minimap as the game goes in to determine where ships are, and where you could expect to see torpedoes.

Use ally spotting in BBs, since BBs are (generally) the least maneuverable, using allys as screens for torpedoes is a useful tactic if you know a DD is out in front of you. Once a torpedo has been detected, it will remain detected until it expires or hits something. In this situation at the 16:20 when no one was out in front of you, it probably wouldve been a good time to turn your ship narrow to the enemy just in case and wait for your team to get in front / get back to a better position.

You stay sailing in a straight line at a constant speed for a long time, this is a tasty target for a DD, particularly when you do not see a DD but know there is one closeby, its important to variate your heading and speed to throw off torpedo salvos.

Keep an eye on current torpedoes in the water, if you haven't seen any yet, and there is a DD closeby, they could be coming for you any moment, get skinny to the direction of the DD to prepare ahead of time.

Unrelated to the situation - BBs, typically will do better with AP shells over HE ;)

Thank you for reaching out for help from the community, hopefully others will provide some more tips for you.


about 5 years ago - Femennenly - Direct link

Thanks for the fact-check, fixed :)