over 4 years ago - Hapa_Fodder - Direct link

French destroyer Marceau, Tier X:

Main battery reload time increased from 3.5 to 4.0 s;

Torpedo tube reload time increased from 120 to 150 s.

Ballistics were changed. Now her shells will need more time to travel the same distance: firing at a range of 7 km, instead of 4.2 seconds, a shell will take 4.67 seconds to reach its target. At a range of 11.4 km, instead of 8.13 seconds, it will take 9.85 seconds.

The destroyer was too strong, especially at long range.

European destroyer Klas Horn, Tier IV:

Turret traverse speed reduced from 10 to 8 degrees per second;

Torpedo tube reload time increased from 55 to 59 s.

European destroyer Visby, Tier V:

Turret traverse speed reduced from 10 to 8 degrees per second;

Torpedo tube reload time increased from 55 to 59 s;

Main battery reload time increased from 5.5 to 6.5 s.

European destroyer Västerås, Tier VI:

Turret traverse speed reduced from 10 to 8 degrees per second;

Torpedo tube reload time increased from 55 to 59 s;

Main battery reload time increased from 5.5 to 6.5 s.

European destroyer Östergötland , Tier IX:

Torpedo tube reload time increased from 90 to 100 s;

Main battery reload time increased from 2 to 2.3 s.

The combination of their effective torpedoes and the parameters of their main caliber guns made European destroyers too strong for their tiers.

European destroyer Halland, Tier X:

Mid-range AA zone's range reduced from 5 to 4 km

Continuous damage of the mid-range AA zone increased from 340 to 347 damage per second

Continuous damage of the long-range AA zone increased from 140 to 144 damage per second

European destroyer Småland , Tier X:

Mid-range AA zone's range reduced from 5 to 4 km;

Continuous damage of the mid-range AA zone increased from 340 to 347 damage per second

Continuous damage of the long-range AA zone increased from 140 to 144 damage per second

Parameters of the "Engine Boost" consumable are changed:

Number of charges increased from 2 (3) to 3 (4);

Reload time reduced from 180 (120) to 150 (100) s;

Action time reduced from 120 to 60 s;

Maximum speed bonus increased from + 8% to + 30%. The ship's maximum speed with the activated consumable will be 45.3 kt.

Changes to Småland 's and Halland's AA are carried out due to them previously having incorrect parameters.

The destroyer received a unique "Engine boost" consumable, which significantly increases its speed for a short period of time. It will increase Småland 's efficiency in fighting for key areas and, in case of danger, will allow her to disengage quickly.

Japanese battleship Yashima, Tier X:

Secondary armament firing range reduced from 7 to 6 km;

This change is an adjustment of the ship based on internal testing.

British cruiser Cheshire. Tier VIII:

Main battery reload time increased from 11.5 to 12.5 s;

Detectability ranges were increased:

By ships, from 11.9 to 12.1 km;

By planes, from 7.39 to 7.51 km;

After firing main guns in smoke, from 7.36 to 7.5 km.

The latest changes to Cheshire made her too efficient, that is why we are slightly increasing her detectability and reload time.

British cruiser London, Tier VI:

Continuous damage of the long-range AA zone reduced from 98 to 56 damage per second

Continuous damage of the mid-range AA zone increased from 77 to 84 damage per second

Continuous damage of the short-range AA zone increased from 130 to 140 damage per second

Number of explosions per salvo reduced from 4 to 2;

Damage within an explosion reduced from 1,260 to 1,120

British cruiser Devonshire, Tier VI:

Continuous damage of the long-range AA zone reduced from 95 to 53 damage per second

Continuous damage of the mid-range AA zone increased from 151 to 161 damage per second

Continuous damage of the short-range AA zone increased from 158 to 165 damage per second

Number of explosions per salvo reduced from 4 to 2;

Damage within an explosion reduced from 1,400 to 1,120

Changes to the AA defense of British cruisers are carried out due to them previously having incorrect parameters.

German battleship Odin, Tier VIII:

Number of Hitpoints reduced from 62,700 to 52,800.

During testing the ship appeared to be very efficient. We reduce Odin's number of hit points to balance her while saving her distinctive features.

Please note that the information in the Development Blog is preliminary and subject to change.