almost 4 years ago - Hapa_Fodder - Direct link

Just wondering, how long have you had the camo? How many battles have you played with that camo?

How much credit benefit or savings have you had over that course of time while playing the Moskva with the camo have you gotten out of it?

So if we refunded you the doubloons, should we take back all the credits you have saved in your battles over that time and the stuff you bought with those credits?

This is why you're not getting a refund, everyone that purchased that camo for the Moskva probably did so to have the savings on a tech tree ship. And those benefits were felt while playing the ship.


almost 4 years ago - Hapa_Fodder - Direct link

The Perma camo gives a -50% post game cost. That is VERY VERY significant compared to any consumable camo you might be referring to. Plus it is permanent and you do not run out of it.

There are VERY few camos that even help you credit-wise. Which is what we are referring to, There is not much other reason to have purchased this camo.


almost 4 years ago - Hapa_Fodder - Direct link

No that is not what I am doing, I am explaining you purchased a product. And got the value out of that product. If this product has produced for you in the way it was meant to be. Then why would you get your money back AFTER you have gotten your use for it?

That is like eating a box of cereal, taking it back and wanting your money back because they changed the recipe after you finished it.


almost 4 years ago - Hapa_Fodder - Direct link

I am not disputing why people might be upset. I am explaining why the decision was made. And I understand why people might be mad about this change.

Even if someone bought the perma-camo 2 days before we announced what we were doing, that means they will have gotten over 2 months worth of benefit from that camo, so yes, it still would apply. Especially if someone runs a lot of Tier X battles.

The special version is going to have the credit earnings built in to it, so the benefit will continue regardless of the camo. Though I do think perhaps placing the perma-camo on the Nevsky may have been a good idea, this is the way we intended to go and that is what I am continuing to explain.

People can be mad at me all day long, at the end of the day, all I am doing is passing the information on to you.

Personally? I don't play Moskva anymore, why? Because I don't find her to be that fun anymore, because there are so many other ships out there I have fun in. So if I get a free special ship for a tech tree ship I don't play that often, I'm definitely okay with that, even when I bought the perma for her over a year ago.


almost 4 years ago - Hapa_Fodder - Direct link

"Not sure how long you have been playing" -WoT Alpha Tester, WoWp Alpha Tester, WoWs Alpha Tester-

I know exactly how we have done things, and RARELY do we do things exactly the same. EVER, in fact we have stated it many times that we change up how we do things on a very regular basis in order to see what works and what doesn't and to keep things fresh.

This has not changed, just because we do one EA event a certain way does NOT mean we will do another in the same way.


almost 4 years ago - Hapa_Fodder - Direct link

I can tell you 100% why they chuckled. Because we have literally been putting all this out since the initial release well over a month ago what was going to happen, in various articles on ALL our streams in DB posts etc etc. And when you become a broken record it actually becomes kind of funny, but if you note, they didn't dismiss the question, they still answered it.


almost 4 years ago - Hapa_Fodder - Direct link

We have been generous in some events and not in others, that is neither here nor there.....

I would say getting a FREE Special Tier X ship AND a premium tier V ship are pretty dang generous TBH... Especially with how good the ship can be in the right hands....

So you're saying because we were TOO generous in the past you think that if we don't keep up a high level of generosity were going to lose good will? I think this is a bit too much for me...

I never think a video game publisher should ever HAVE to give me anything.... thats just how I have always looked at my interactions with video games. There is a line in just about EVERY publishers EULA that states that the company reserves the right change its digital content how it sees fit. And I have always understood that.


almost 4 years ago - Hapa_Fodder - Direct link

No that is not correct at all! I can voice my opinion and do so ALL THE TIME throughout these forums. And I have even mentioned that there are things that I don't understand why we do them either. But what my job is to make sure you have the information you need and we take the information from what you all say back.

What you place value on and your opinion are your own and you are of course allowed to have it. However, I do not get all pitchforks and torches over some of this stuff as some do.

I have been playing World of Warships since Alpha testing and I can say with 100% honesty, there has not been one choice that I have ever been so angry and up in arms about with World of Warships... SERIOUSLY....

There are FAR worse things that game publishers due in terms of their content that are WAY worse and far bigger things that I need to focus on in my life.


almost 4 years ago - Hapa_Fodder - Direct link

I understand why people are upset, trust me I do.

Lemme break this down some more, because i have discussed people getting value out of their 5000 dub camo already once, but maybe this will make sense.

5000=7,500,000 credits.... So how angry would people be if we said, anyone that has had 7,500,000 in savings on their Moskva WON'T get refunded and those that don't will? This is FAR MORE unfair. So across the board everyone is going to get the camo.


almost 4 years ago - Hapa_Fodder - Direct link

My point is, no matter what, someone will be angry with the decision.


almost 4 years ago - Hapa_Fodder - Direct link

I never said we were and we were not, the point of what I was saying is, most people bought the permacamo for 5000 dubs which gives you a -50 post game cost to a tech tree ship. 5000 dubs = 7,500,000 credits, so if you bought it and then played and your savings equaled out to 7,500,00 credits they got their value from the camo.