over 5 years ago - Kami - Direct link

Hey QQ_Whine_Moar,

This is a great topic to discuss and a positive one! Consistency is a topic that some players have achieved, some players strive for and some that are in the process of figuring it out. It is great seeing that you are trying to improve your consistency. Improving at this game is one of the things that takes repetition, time and the will to want to get better. Remember stats will improve as your play improves, these coincide with each other. It takes hundreds of games to learn the right way to read the map, team lineups, ships strengths/weaknesses and every other integral part of the game.

To really get good at this game you have to be willing to make mistakes and then learn from them. You have to be willing to not blame teammates all the time and look at yourself in the mirror and ask what could I have done better. Take advice from experienced players that offer it and try to apply that to your play (not always possible). This game is not a sprint but an endurance challenge, you have to not only learn all the mechanics but you have to learn your ship, the enemies ships and your friendlies ship. This is a lot of information to take in and process especially for a new player or a player looking for consistency. I suggest taking it step by step and improving one thing at a time.

Again this is a great topic and you have spurned me to want to cover this is the beginner's tips so we will do that next week!

Keep chugging along and makes sure you reflect on matches that you think you could have done better to learn from. It is great to go back and watch the replay of a close match.