over 5 years ago - Gneisenau013 - Direct link

*pictured - the crew of HMS Porpoise (N-14) returning to HMNB Portsmouth from a successful patrol in the Mediterranean Sea on January 20, 1943*

What was your final tally for Ranked Battles Season 12 and which warships sailed to battle for your Fleet?

As the sunset on Update 0.8.4, captains made one last heroic push into Ranked Battles to get as high as they could on the way to Rank 1.

All classes of warships were on ready 5 as long as they were Tier X and battle ready to go to sea.

For Ranked Battles Season 12, what was your final sit-rep and which vessels sailed proudly into battle under your command?

"Luck can be attributed to a well-conceived plan carried out by a well-trained and indoctrinated task group." - Chester Nimitz, U.S. Navy



over 5 years ago - Gneisenau013 - Direct link

Des Moines got the call for Ranked Battles Season 12.

I worked my way up to Rank 8 and stopped there. It was one higher than Season 11 (Rank 9) and I only played Des Moines because I wanted to see how well I could do with my strongest ship class, cruisers.

In the end, I too accomplished my goal of obtaining enough steel to obtain Stalingrad but she wasn't put through sea-trials long enough before the season ended.

Job well done for all that participated and worked their way up the ladder!

"In order to complete your objective, you've always got to keep moving forward." - Kurt Chew-Een Lee, U.S. Marine Corps

