over 5 years ago - Kami - Direct link

Hey Alienmenace_1,

Many captains in this thread have already covered some of the ways to increase credit gain. Premium time is the easiest way to increase credit earning and a lot of players in this thread have recommended that.

Tips to making more credits:

Premium Time: pretty self explanatory.

Credit Signal Flags: These can definitely make the amount of credits you earn go up by a lot. You can use the normal Zulu signal and also the special economic flags.

Camouflages with Credit earning: There are specific disposable camouflages in the game that one of their stat lines is increased credit earning. Gamescom camouflage was a great example of a credit camouflage.

Premium Ships are also good at making credits. Other players have touched on these but find a premium that is of a tier you are comfortable with.

The biggest factor in making credits is your own personal performance in battle. The more you do, the better the results at the end of the match.

Make sure you are selling your excess modules.

The type of battle will also impact how many credits you earn.

These are all tips that can help you earn some credits, other captains are also giving you good advice to increase credit income. Good luck with your credit grind!