about 4 years ago - Hapa_Fodder - Direct link

I mean I would have to see a replay to see.

But also remember, sometimes things we think are on purpose aren't necessarily on purpose, if you're in a DD for instance that can move pretty quick and you smoke in front of a full speed BB, he can't exactly slow down fast, you can move faster than they can.

I'm not trying to say that it's your fault by no means, but the rule of gross tonnage does kind of apply...


about 4 years ago - Hapa_Fodder - Direct link

So do you know for a fact we don't punish behavior that is not in line with the EULA? Because I will tell you I see the reports and people get time outs from the game all the time. But okay.


about 4 years ago - Hapa_Fodder - Direct link

Mean no offense, but there are tens of thousands of people that play the game and far more than that in battles played.

We don't just do perma-bans for this stuff. Just because they are bragging, doesn't mean they haven't been banned in the past for offenses. Just ignore them.

Trolls are ALWAYS going to troll.


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