Hey Capt_Ahab1776,
Starting off a play session with 3 L's is a rough way to go. I see you did the smart thing and took a break to refocus. "Chasing the win" is one of the things that can get you deeper in the hole, sometimes it is better to just take a break and pick it up later. I believe we covered this topic before but I have a few rules I got by when it comes to random battles.
3 losses in a row is the most I do, if you keep going you will potentially begin to make more mistakes. You will push and do things that you might not have done previously.
When you push for the win, this will almost always have a negative effect on the matches. This is will impact how you play because you want that win.
Having rules that you follow is a good thing when it comes to randoms.
Trying a different tier as well is something you can do to try and break a losing streak. Play a comfortable ship at a tier you know you can impact the game almost every time.
This is good to see that you also have rules that you follow when it comes to loss streaks =).
Question: What do you do when you are on a winning streak? Do you keep playing until you lose or do you call it after a few wins in a row?