over 2 years
ago -
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You should go buy a lottery ticket. It's extremely rare to see even 2 detonations in one game.
You should go buy a lottery ticket. It's extremely rare to see even 2 detonations in one game.
There have been no changes to frequency of or calculations for detonations that I am aware of.
Possible culprits for you feeling like you're seeing more could be:
BB players are choosing not to bring them anymore
People have run out of Det flags after they are no longer earned from detonating and are choosing not to purchase more.
More torpedoes due to inclusion of submarines - torps tend to all hit in the same place
I certainly hope that players are improving their aim
Honestly I'm right there with you. Now that we have badass citadel animations I would LOVE to see something special for detonation myself.