over 4 years ago - Femennenly - Direct link

Dear Creators! This is the World of Warships Community Contributors Program!

Our aim with this program is to build a healthy and constructive community that is welcoming for new players to join, and helpful for veterans to flourish. Our Community Contributor, are placed in the spotlight as a positive example and role model. Their personal and professional growth are of the utmost importance to us, so we will be happy to promote their quality content and provide assets for you to create it.

The NA region is currently supported by an amazing group of CCs, the full list can be found here.

Program management:

The World of Warships CC Program is managed by a designated international team within Wargaming.net. The CC Program Management Team reserves the right to:

Change and update the rules of the program with notification through the CC Program Discord;

Resolve any escalated issues and make final decisions on all CC Program affairs.

That said, the core principle of the CC Program is mutual respect and constant interaction between World of Warships and Community Contributors.

How to Apply:

Using your main account, you need to submit a message to the Application Threads within the NA Forums Community Program Section; this area is located:


Applications are open on a seasonal basis and not always available. If there is no current application thread, you will need to wait til the next round of applications.

Your submission will be visible to our staff and moderators, and you only. Other players won't be able to see it.

Your submission will be visible only to our staff and moderators, and you. Other players will not be able to see it.

Please submit the following:

Tell us about yourself - anything you want, we want to get to know you!

Tell us what you want to achieve by joining the program and why you are applying!

Include links to all of the channels you use (YouTube, Twitch, Facebook, Twitter, Myspace(just joking), Blog, etc.)!

Include your discord tag, as this will be our main communication tool. Don't have one? Get one here!

If you feel like doing that, and want to possibly save time for the future, please also include:

Your T-shirt size

Your date of birth

IMPORTANT: submissions without any already created content on World of Warships will be dismissed. We believe that the Program is good for those who have already made the first steps into World of Warships content creation. While we want to promote players new to content creation and just beginning their journey down that particular road, we do expect to see your commitment in the form of content produced on your own.

Now, the criteria are very simple: the quality of your content and the potential we see in it. Of course, your number of followers and subscribers does matter, but if we see great stuff with little exposure, we will be happy to promote it. Don't be shy!

The regional manager will then assess your application and supporting content, and make a decision on your application. This can take some time to occur, however once completed the decision will be communicated to you over Forum PM. If you are declines, we will provide you some advice and areas to work on going forward.

Encouraged behavior

Any of these is a plus, but might not be necessary in particular cases:

Keep a regular uploading/streaming schedule*;

Make content that can reach outside our core audience on occasion;

Be engaged with your audience;

Give constructive feedback on changes both directly to the team through designated channels and through produced content;

Respect other viewpoints and be able to debate topics with sufficient reasoning;

Help the game/community grow.

*We are determined to respect your preferred content generation pace and are not going to rush you. We just want to make sure you stay on our radar. If we don't see your presence for too long, we will try to contact you before suspending your access.

Program Perks:

As a member of the WoWS Community Contributors Program, you will be eligible for*:

Access to the WoWS CC Program Discord channel, where all communications on the program will take place, and there is a direct line with the World of Warships developers for questions and feedback;

Early access to upcoming content, determined by the CC Program team (mostly ships). The opportunity to make exclusive previews according to the schedule provided;

СС group on Forum;

Exclusive in-game items**:

СС in-game Flag;

СС in-game patch, background and emblem;

CC containers for your own contests and giveaways, with the chance to drop Premium ships and unique consumable camo exclusive for the CC program**;

CC consumable camo with rich economy bonuses for your convenience.

Depending on the opportunities that arise, our judgment, as well as your performance, we may also do additional things with you:

Feature your content in-game and on our website (for that, we may need some formal legal stuff signed - not because we love the paperwork, but because of possible legal issues);

Invite WoWS developers for you to interview;

Joint streams with the WoWS team;

At our discretion, we may invite you to offline events and maybe even bring you to the center of WoWS development in Russia (don't be afraid!) at our expense;

Give you additional in-game giveaways and rewards, especially for:

Being especially active (by that we mean 2 or more quality WoWS content contributions per week, be it streams, videos or articles);

Growing your subscribers on YouTube or Twitch and reaching milestones:

Your birthday, because you are our friend

*All perks are credited to your main game account associated with the Program where applicable. **There is a guaranteed and unified entry number of items for every Program participant; it is set on a monthly basis for everyone.

No-no’s (strict rules)

We expect community contributors to avoid creating content containing the following or behaving in public spaces in a way that implies:

Racial slurs, homophobic comments or insults;

Personal attacks or harassment directed towards anyone;

Personal attacks or harassment directed towards other members of the Program*;

Dishonest comments or blatant lies about our games and products;

Usage of our copyrighted material to promote our direct competitors;

Promotion of game-breaking mechanics, cheats or exploits (by encouraging players to download, install or use them in any context);

Click bait and sensationalism, especially allegations relating to the game, company employees and their activities;

Sensitive content such as religion, sex, politics, or social issues;

Materials of pornographic, gore, death or horrifically violent nature or any other mature content of any kind;

Participation in, or condoning bullying or actions designed to incite, offend, or create unrest in our community.

These expectations extend to forums, streams, videos, live events, Reddit, social media or any other public space or channel.

* This is outlined deliberately. Live and let live is our principle of relations within the Program. You may not necessarily like other contributors, and surely can challenge their opinions, but please do it with mutual respect.


If a program participant fails to comply with the rules, guidelines and principles stated above, the following measures may be applied, determined by the CC Program Management Team on a case-by-case basis:

A private or public warning or rebuke;

A temporary suspension from the program;

A removal from the program.

Once again: if there is an issue, let’s try to work it out by talking first.

In case of serious violation of EULA, Terms of Service, Game or Clan rules, we reserve the right to enforce the measures above, in addition to the standard measures applied to all players.