over 5 years ago - Kami - Direct link

Hey ItzYaBoyMe,

This is a good question and you are going to see differing answers to this. I will drop my thoughts into the bucket along with the other captains.


Have you played any RN BBs and if so do you like them? I only ask this because 375k free xp is no small investment.

Do you play stock ships and if you do how do you feel you perform in them? Some stock ships are better than others.


Decent ship to play, unique in look and playstyle.

The heal is great, the AA is so-so, the armor is quite average and you can be damaged through the bow by 16in guns.

Decently accurate, average reload and overall a good ship.

Stock Ships:

Some are better than others, typically B hull does give you upgrades to almost everything.

Fletcher A hull does have a lot less HP than B hull, but you can offset this a bit with using SE.

The Fletcher is a ship that you can definitely use stock, you have good guns and your torps are decent.

Good luck with what you choose!

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