No, it wasn't forgotten, we are well aware of the PvE community's desire to have this operation brought back. Right now it comes down to resources. As mentioned above, Cherry Blossom does have issues with the planes and how they are configured for the operation, something that hasn't been redesigned for the rework - its not a case of AA.
Currently due to the limited popularity of PvE content, resources have been scaled in relation to this. As such, we don't have much to work on this content, it is being worked on, just slower than what you'd all like - just the way it is unfortunately. So the return you'll probably give me; "Why are you fixing Narai now then?". We believe the fix for this mode "should" be pretty straight forward as as such we can provide a small QoL improvement to our PvE players, while we continue to chip away at longer term projects.