over 5 years ago - Boyarsky - Direct link

King of the Sea 8 was focused on EU vs CIS: https://worldofwarships.eu/en/news/community/kots-viii-results/

NA winner was PWP: https://www.toornament.com/en_GB/tournaments/2249090541501669376/stages/

Better to compare with King of the Sea 7, which was also about NA vs EU: https://worldofwarships.com/en/news/community/kots-vii-results/

over 5 years ago - Kami - Direct link

Hey DoubleDog2,

How does this leave out clans? We highly encourage clans to participate in King of the Sea or any other tournament that is announced. This is a great way to play against teams that have competitive experience and learn from them. This is also a good way for you (your clan) to take part in a tournament that has some truly amazing games take place. Again, I highly encourage you to participate with your clan if you can field a team!

Hey ReyWayvonRichthof,

This is part of the joy of a tournament like King of the Sea, it allows for clans to play with a larger roster and in a different environment than Ranked or Clan Battles.

Great point Shigure_DD, the goal is to grow competitive and get more clans/players involved so these tournaments continue to increase in size! There are plenty of teams that have been participating since the early stages dating back to Supremacy League that still do King of the Sea today. Thanks for pointing out that experienced clans are willing to help out newer clans to the competitive scene.

over 5 years ago - Kami - Direct link

Hey supermadcat,

This is a third party tournament that is supported by WG. The tournament organizers set the rules and qualifications to participate. My suggestion to you, if you want to participate in a tournament like this is find a clan that is more active, recruit more people to your clan to begin participating or look to be play in the Shipstorm (3v3 format) tournament that occurs at a different time than King of the Sea.

Hey barbaroja_AR,

Are you on the official Kots discord? This is the best place to get answers to your questions regarding sign-ups =).