over 3 years ago - Boggzy - Direct link

Hello, Commanders!

Public Test Server Version 0.10.10 is live! Patch notes here: https://worldofwarships.com/en/news/public-test/public-test-01011/

Please leave feedback below!
Any bugs you encounter in the PTS can be reported here

Thank you!

over 3 years ago - Boggzy - Direct link

Thank you for the feedback - I should mention that the PTS feedback is generally for specific changes to the game includes in the new version. Suggestions for major game overhauls are welcome, but not really applicable. The arcade nature of the game is just that: it's nature. This game is not a simulator and that won't change. It's sort of like saying that Basketball would be better if players could use their feet too. It's a bedrock feature of the game and won't change.
I DO, however, want to hear what you think about the specific changes brought to the game by the upcoming 0.10.11 patch, which is being tested in the PT server.

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