almost 5 years ago - Femennenly - Direct link

Heyo Captains

Thank you for adhering to the non Name and Shame forum rule.

We do have provisions available to staff to take actions against accounts that we can reasonably conclude to be botting. If you could report the accounts you have found with related replays our staff can definitely investigate.

We do require replays and do no rely on stats alone as there could be players out there who simply are not very good, struggle with controls due to physical limitations or otherwise. We would not want to exclude/punish them from the game for these factors, however it is pretty clear cut on the determination of replays.


almost 5 years ago - Femennenly - Direct link

Botters are accounts using automated programs or scripts to control their accounts to spam games.

They usually have minimal impact on the game, they can often be seen sailing in a straight line, not firing guns and essentially just going to get killed.


almost 5 years ago - Femennenly - Direct link

I understand this, and the thing is we do have various systems and methods in place to detect and determine accounts with suspicious behavior however this system is consistently being developed and may not always catch everything.

The scenario you mention, while yes, on first glance its highly likely that someone is botting, it could also be a group of friends sharing an account to progress quicker, these are the sort of considerations that need to be made when assessing these cases.

Regarding the math question, a well program botting program would be able to circumvent these checks regardlessly.

We have never reported the action taken against players accounts, including bans for cheating, we do not endorse Naming and Shaming.

Lasting the live App is a cool idea, however that would require staff to man it on a 24/7 basis, for all regions, which feasibly is not possible to support. Furthermore, the degree of false reports in this would simply generate a time sink for staff and not really lead to much noticeable change.

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