over 5 years ago - Kami - Direct link

Dear players,

After many discussions and feedback analysis, we decided to change the direction of Naval Training Center development to meet your expectations and resolve your concerns.

The part of NTC connected with resetting and revisiting ship lines will stay, however, the rewards will be fully reworked. The design process for this is not an easy task, so we can not share a lot of details right now. But what we can share is the new general concept:

We will fully remove direct performance buffs for ships which were originally presented in this system. Your feedback on this was clear, and we don't believe that reducing these buffs further is any good (it will not resolve your concerns, and make the reward not interesting at the same time);

We will instead focus on unique, interesting, but non-mandatory content, like new ships. For a start, we confirm that French tier X cruiser Colbert and US tier X battleship Ohio will be the first rewards for NTC. They will be available in the Armory for a special resource earned by revisiting the ship lines during Seasons;

The new resource earned will take the place between casually accessible coal and much more rare steel, which is mostly locked behind competitive.

We will invest our resources in exploring other types of rewards. For example, while we're heavily limited by the game lore itself, we will try to design some new cosmetics to make your ships look cool and show off your achievements. Another option for the future rewards are Legendary upgrades. Introduced in the game long time ago, they offer a trade-off, a change in playstyle of a specific ship instead of a direct buff. In any case, additional rewards will take more time to design, develop and test, and we will be happy to hear your new ideas.

We know that the last few days were very heated, and we also know that the reason is that you love the game and care for it. We do, as well, and we're not taking the opposite side here. While we need to introduce more high-end progression to ensure the game will be healthy and evolving for years to come, we want to do it together with you. There is a lot to work on now, but we're sure that in the end, we will get to the good, appealing system which all of us will be able to enjoy.

We will keep you updated, and please expect more news as soon as we make progress in development.

Thank you, and see you soon!

over 5 years ago - Radar_X - Direct link

My PM box is always open if you need to get something directly to us.

over 5 years ago - Radar_X - Direct link

Thanks for these thoughts. You guys have brought up a number of thoughts and alternative suggestions and right now things are being reviewed. The important takeaway from this is folks don't want performance buffs, so that's not the direction we're going to go with this system.

We'll continue to provide updates to you as things progress and look forward to hearing your thoughts when more information is shared.

over 5 years ago - Radar_X - Direct link

For the time being Steel is going to remain a lot more scarce and mostly behind the more competitive events such as Ranked and Clan Battles. This will be easier for folks to get but definitely a time investment.

over 5 years ago - Kami - Direct link

Dear players,

After many discussions and analysis of feedback, we decided to change the direction of Naval Training Center development to meet your expectations and resolve your concerns.

The part of NTC connected with resetting and revisiting ship lines will stay, however, the rewards will be fully reworked. The design process for this is not an easy task, so we can not share any details right now.

But what we can share is the new general concept:

We will fully remove direct performance buffs for ships which were originally presented in this system. Your feedback on this was clear, and we don't believe that reducing these buffs further is good (it will not resolve your concerns, and make the reward uninteresting at the same time);

We will instead focus on unique, interesting, but non-mandatory content, like new ships. For a start, we can confirm that French tier X cruiser Colbert and US tier X battleship Ohio will be the first rewards for NTC. They will be available in the Armory for a special resource earned by revisiting the ship lines during seasons.

The new resource earned will be valued between casually accessible coal and much more rare steel, which is mostly locked behind competitive.

We will invest our resources in exploring other types of rewards. For example, while we're heavily limited by the game lore itself, we will try to design some new cosmetics to make your ships look cool and show off your achievements. Another option for the future rewards are Legendary upgrades. Introduced in the game long time ago, they offer a trade-off, a change in playstyle of a specific ship instead of a direct buff. In any case, additional rewards will take more time, and we will be happy to hear your new ideas.

We know that the last few days were very heated, and we also know the reason is that you love the game and care for it. We do as well, and we're not taking the opposing side here. While we need to introduce more high-end progression to ensure the game will be healthy and evolving for years to come, we want to do it together with you. There is a lot to work on now but we're sure that in the end, we will get to the good, appealing system which all of us will be able to enjoy.

We will keep you updated, and please expect more news as soon as we make progress in development.

Thank you, and see you soon!

over 5 years ago - Kami - Direct link

Hey dadeoo,

Are you referring to the whole PSA with this or is there something more specific that was announced?

Can you please elaborate on your post? We would like to discuss any concerns about the PSA, but we can't do that without some more details.


over 5 years ago - Kami - Direct link

Hey KSN,

Ships that will be "rewards" for NTC will go through the same balancing process as other ships. The main difference is to earn these ships you will have to use the NTC instead of some other resource in the game like coal. You can keep an eye on the changes/progress of test ships by following the Developer's Blog.

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