almost 5 years ago - Femennenly - Direct link


We have interest in eventually releasing Legendary Captains for other nations. Recently we've added a RU Captain, and a FR Captain coming in update 8.7 (Want more details? Check out the Dev Bulletin)

These Captains can take time to develop and Balance, and usually coincide with a line release. Hopefully we will have more of these in the future. There are a few Unique Commanders available in the Armory that have enhanced skills (however not considered legendary) such as:

Franz Von Jutland Handyman replaces Jack of All Trades, reduces cooldown on all consumables by -10% (normally -5%) Improved Vigilance replaces Vigilance, and increases the detection range of enemy torpedoes by +35% (normally +25%).

Chalres-Henri Honore

Adrenaline Surge replaces Adrenaline Rush, and reduces the reload time of all types of armament by -0.25% for each 1% of HP lost. (normally -0.2%) Master Marskman replaces Expert Marksman, and improves turret rotation speed by +3.0 deg/s for guns with a caliber of up to 139 mm and +1.0 deg/s for guns with a caliber above 139 mm (normally +2.5and +0.7, respectively).

George Doe

Master Marksman replaces Expert Marksman, and improves turret rotation speed by +3.0 deg/s for guns with a caliber of up to 139 mm and 1.0 deg/s for guns with a caliber above 139 mm (normally +2.5 and 0.7, respectively). Rapid Loader replaces Expert Loader, and reduces reload time when switching shell types by -75%(normally -50%).

Bert DunKirk

Handyman replaces Jack of All Trades, and reduces cooldown on all consumables by -10%(normally -5%). Smoke Screen Master replaces Smoke Screen Expert, and increases radius of smoke screens by +30% (normally +20%). Master Marksman replaces Expert Marksman, and improves turret rotation speed by +3.0 deg/s for guns with a caliber of up to 139 mm and +1.0 deg/s for guns with a caliber above 139 mm (normally +2.5and +0.7, respectively).

(There are even more listed on the Wiki)

In regards to the German additional Flag, double flags has been a more recent offering (only been available for maybe a year or so) and once again has typically been tied into a line release or collection event. Since we have no had a German related event recently we have not had opportunity to make this available.

Thank you for your questions.


almost 5 years ago - Femennenly - Direct link

Console and PC development while based around the same gameplay mechanics, follows quite different routes.

Furthermore, the first announcement of new content coming to the game can be found on the Dev Blogs, unfortunately I cannot provide insiders into what new content is coming next.


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