Thanks for the feedback, I will pass this up to them!
That being said, personally as a DD main that also plays CV's and every other class.... I have to say it... but CV's don't bother me... And I run non-smoke DD's fairly often. And I would say my stats would show that as I play DD's fairly often (though lately I have been playing a lot of test ships that don't have smoke too, so they might not show up on my stats)
Furthermore, people that division with me, when I am in CV, I promise, WANT me in a CV, because the way I play the class, it's a support class. Spotting, area denial, supporting friendly DD's, keeping enemy DD's out of caps and away from my capitals. DO NOT underestimate the usefulness of a CV driver that has good situational awareness, is willing to throw aircraft away to support spotting and knows what ships to primary.