over 4 years ago - Hapa_Fodder - Direct link

So let me say this, and you can take it as you please. But I have never and will NEVER be dismissive of the community. Just because I don't agree with you and light your torches does not mean that I am being dismissive. Anyone that has a one on one conversation with me can know that pretty quickly. I will often times spend as much time as needed to try to help our community as much as I possibly can.

However, when conversations are occurring between the community and I, or anyone from the staff, and those replies are simply ignored, regardless of evidence and then the forum thread spirals off topic, there is no reason to continue. And rather than spend an hour on a 7 page forum thread moderating every single reply, you're right the thread gets locked.

NOW, on to your points.

1: OKAY folks, that is enough conjecture and speculation." We in the NA Community don't hide anything, we don't have any devious motives to what we do, what we tell you, the information that is put out or how we handle our community.@Kalvothe and I are probably some of the most transparent and straightforward people you can deal with in terms of community management".

this is the issue #1 the statement says that we are the best you can get. the rest we know are not helpful or telling the truth.

This does NOT say what you think at all. I said that because Kalvothe and myself are on the forums far more and far more in depth than any other staff member. And in the context of that thread specifically, Kal and I were the ONLY staff members conversing with the community on the topic. So I do not appreciate you taking what I said out of context and just simply applying that as a blanket statement to everyone that works for Wargaming.

2: "Truth be told, we are VERY busy throughout the day, so while trying to answer your questions in whole, while talking with everyone else in every other topic, having discussions with people on Reddit, FB and Discord."

this is infact your job. you get paid to answer us and be here when we want to talk. hence customer service

You're 100% CORRECT, it is our job, however, do you know everything that I do and what is in my job description? If you do, I would be thoroughly impressed. Before walking into this position I had NO IDEA the depth of what I would be doing. The ACTUAL point of that line and Kal and I are talking offline, is how we can better SERVE the community and try to change some of your opinions which obviously cannot be changed in one forum thread. And quite frankly from a productivity standpoint, spending all day attempting to pay attention to every point of order in ONE forum thread is not good.

3: "If we say we want to hold off on an in depth discussion in a specific thread it is simply so we can pay it proper attention"

. how about taking the time now to answering what can only be described as a active dialog. you have the people there talking to you and you are not able to retort their questions and accusations so you end the topic and close it. very dictator like.

See #2: again Kal and I are talking about how we CAN pay it proper attention.

I am not Fem, nor am I Kami or any other Community Manager that has been in this position in the past. I KNOW I will not make everyone happy and I KNOW I am not perfect, NO ONE is. This is not my goal. My goal is to have conversations and open dialogue with the community and this is what I am doing.

You asking what is wrong with the mods (And I am not just a mod btw) could be taken as a persona attack. But I will let it go, because I DO take that personal, I am humble enough to admit that I don't always have the answers and I won't always be right, furthermore I do not like the community to think I know everything or am always right. But one thing I have gotten really good with is communicating and dealing with people over the course of over 20 years and knowing when a conversation won't go anywhere and when to move on and perhaps return later.

That being said, this is to the entire community, NO ONE and I mean NO ONE on our staff has a personal vendetta against anyone. All of us use the same guidelines for every bit of moderation towards every topic and reply.

It may

over 4 years ago - Hapa_Fodder - Direct link

Also another thing,

On a personal level, if you have a problem with me, PM me. Because I would like to work through it. Don't openly slander me to the public. That is just poor form.

I would never on a personal level, let alone professional level, do so to you and I ask that you would hand me the same respect.


over 4 years ago - Kalvothe - Direct link

So, all in all, I am in the wrong here. I am not afraid to admit it.

I posed a question that, I think, is really worth exploring, in a topic that, while in the same realm as the discussion at hand, did not feel like the most appropriate place to have that discussion. Forum posts tend to become echo chambers, and I want to discuss the topic I mentioned regarding feedback in a new thread, where people can really discuss and explore it on a deeper level. In effect, I was hijacking a post for my own benefit - and that is on me.

That said, we are community managers, our job is to not only be a part of the community but to ensure that the voice of the players is heard and that the voice of the studio is shared. Community management is not a 9-5 job - it is something that happens 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. I am not saying that to ask for pity, or any of that - I love what I do. I've been doing community management for a great many years - it is what brings me joy in life.

I don't do this for glory, or money, or any other reason than to help be an advocate for the community, and a steward for the studio. While we may not do the best job of being transparent in our desire to represent the community internally - I can assure you that we do. The feedback that has meat (other than, this suck fix X, I hate Y), is shared in reports, we discuss it internally.

All of that said, we are humans, and as much as I try to convince my wife of the fact, I am not perfect. We are going to slip, we are going to make mistakes, but we're also going to own those mistakes, and do what we can to ensure they don't happen again.
So, to wrap this in a bow - I am sorry, I did pose a question in a thread, that may not have been the most appropriate place for it, but I will post it when I have the extra time to do so. It is a discussion I look forward to having.

Finally, as Hapa said, we are available, send us a DM, shoot us a message on Discord. Don't think just because we are not responding to every forum post we are not available.
