Updates to the Ranked Battles system, and the first Ranked Battles Season with the new rules! Read it on the portal
The schedule on the article has the the times for NA as:
NA: 16:00 — 09:00 UTC (10AM-3AM Central time)
If you look at the schedule you will see we stop for a gap during the LATE night when server pops are lowest.
I am reading through your questions here, just trying to get caffeinated enough to properly answer you!
Or, people could literally scroll down and see the actual schedule......
It isn't exactly ambiguous, we state something at the top and clarify at the bottom.
I do agree the at it could be worded better and already sent the feedback about that up.
That being said, I myself do not get eyes on these articles ahead of time and read them when they go live. So I read the same line and kept reading, saw the schedule, converted it to my local time and understood what the meaning was. I guess for me, if I read a schedule then the schedule is what I follow.
I literally said I am reading through the questions...
Sorry I haven't answered this sooner, I am actually writing a report currently and putting this in as one of my feedback points because we know that there are quite a few of you from the ANZ region that play on NA.