over 4 years ago - Hapa_Fodder - Direct link


So I have said this in other posts, I will say this again. We have a list of approved mods and we are constantly checking for NON-approved mods. If players are actually using illegal mods they WILL get caught. If you suspect someone is using an illegal mod or somehow "hacking" submit their replay with a customer service ticket. Or send ME the replay.

I will tell you this, in the almost 5 years I have been a player World of Warships, I have seen A LOT of replays (especially when I used to do Content Creation) and been in over 12,000 battles (including test ships), played all classes, played in just about every single game mode out there. And I have honestly seen maybe TWO questionable players.

Most times people accuse other players of "hacking" it is just someone that is a bit more experienced... I literally only use one crosshair mod and that is on our "approved" list. And the only thing it gives you is a clearer view. I use the stack gas angle and the wake of an enemy to figure out where to aim and just experience...

When you're an "Oscar Mike" in the game, it actually isn't that hard to learn these things.

All that being said, STOP asking for "proof" on these forums folks, because it is AGAINST OUR FORUM GUIDELINES.

Posting exploits/hacks

If you come across a bug, or a third-party tool that would otherwise impact gameplay, please report it using the appropriate channels.

Discussing the exploitation of game mechanics, or encouraging the usage of mechanics outside of their intended design.



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