I disagree with absolutely everything you've said here.
To suggest that this game in any way is "set" or "rigged" is absolute nonsense. I have a 62% WR over 10,000 battles and that doesn't happen by accident.
I am locking this topic. To suggest that the RNG mechanics that exist in the game (shot dispersion, fire chance, MM) are in any way indicative that the entire game is nothing more than a slot machine is absurd. Nearly every video game ever has some amount of RNG to it - it's a feature that prevents static and fully predictable gameplay.
This game is 100% Free-to-Play, whether you like it or not. You do not have to spend a dime to play in Randoms, Clan Battles, King of the Sea, Coop, or Operations. People spend money to increase the rate at which they accumulate ships, to acquire premium ships and camouflages, and to generally reduce the grind as in many games. This is 100% a choice and is not required to play the game in any mode.
I have absolutely no problem in these forums with people taking shots at the company or at me, but I will not tolerate this kind of brazen and ill-informed story-telling.