over 4 years ago - Hapa_Fodder - Direct link


As stated above by some, the CV rework, for the most part, is complete.

That being said, data is still being gathered just like every other ship for further balancing.

As for damage output, remember that every ship and nation can be employed differently. Case in point US CV's with their HE bombs deal more damage than say, RN CV's, but RN CV bombers drop more bombs. IJN CV bombers CAN dev strike ships, something so lovely about hitting a ship with multiple AP bombs in one strike.

All THAT being said, CV damage is now based more around the tick vs alpha strikes that they were before the rework.



over 4 years ago - Hapa_Fodder - Direct link

Did you play CV's before rework? Because alpha was the name of the game then. That does not occur now. Damage output is significantly curtailed over what it used to be.
