almost 4 years ago - Hapa_Fodder - Direct link

I know I will get flak for this (see what I did there?) But I have to say as a DD main I am looking forward to these changes to see how much it improves my game play in a DD.

Because, as I have said many times, CVs seriously and honestly do not bug me... and TBH, as a fairly good DD main, if a CV wants to focus ONLY ME, the whole match, I am going to make them work for it and make them waste the entire match chasing me...

I have literally had battles where this was the case, I noted the CV wanted me dead, so I purposely did things to make him know where I was and then dragged their aircraft away from my team and as a result my team pushed a flank and overwhelmed the enemy.

The average CV driver does not think about the tactics of what they are doing. Looking at a targets location, knowing what that target can do and evaluating whether your time is well spent on that ONE target a whole match can really turn a battle.

Either way, as a DD main that excels regardless of how many RADAR ships and CVs in a match, I will wait for these changes to be instituted and see if more is needed before I send more feedback up. That being said, I am making notes of constructive feedback likes this.


almost 4 years ago - Hapa_Fodder - Direct link

Where did I ever say that I spend the entire match circling the map border doing no spotting or damage? That is definitely NOT what I do at all. In fact the ONLY time I am near the border is if I am flanking... I have 5000 battles in DDs alone and I often times hunt other DDs, but there is no benefit in me actively being lit because I am being overly aggressive and not being alive at the end of a battle.

How I play DDs and CVs is the same, as a support role ship to help my team get a W, I do not care about whether I am top of the score boards or not (even though fairly often and usually are). I work VERY hard to screen for my battleships and cruisers, spot for my team, area denial with torps and yes engage DDs when they are lit...

I did not address DD v DD interaction, what I was specifically addressing was the OPs discussion about CV v DD interactions.
