about 3 years ago - Hapa_Fodder - Direct link

We did publicly state this actually on patch day and after patch day and stated that this would be fixed and when and then gave the CCs the information. Bugs happen, no one is perfect.

These voiceovers when I specifically talked about this when we released the information on stream, we discussed how the voiceovers for this collaboration are different and meant to be more complimentary to the standard VO, the roars and such from Kong and Godzilla were in addition to voice overs. Not direct voiceovers, because neither monster speaks a language and having them have the same or a few roars for every VO line would probably get annoying.

We cannot correct things that are out of our control. Considering the NA Servers have not had an outage like we did that was less than 12 hours in close to 5 years, I am not sure why this should be on the list. The entire datacenter went down, we don't own the datacenter, nor do we control the gear.

We have stated multiple times over the past couple weeks that this update cycle would be 5 weeks not 4

As for your statements about the Super BB project, additions to World of Warships are normal over the course of time, changes, additions etc. Furthermore, quite often the H class and A150 class ships have been requested by the community directly.

Your title has been changed due to it being a forum violation and as always if people feel they can do a better job than our amazing development team feel free to visit https://wargaming.com/en/careers but personal attacks are a violation and will not be allowed.
