about 3 years ago - Boggzy - Direct link

So, the issue is that the torpedoes will not fire unless the tubes are perfectly aligned?
I'm having trouble understanding exactly where the bug is. Guns do not fire until the reticle is exactly where your mouse cursor tells it to go. This can be problematic on ships that turn their hull faster than their guns like some IJN DD's and some UK BB's. It's not a bug for the torps to only fire once they reach the intended direction. That's how it is for basically everything. Guns and Torps.
When giving "bug reports", guys - try to resist the temptation to add personal opinions and feelings about balance and how clearly the devs only care about Russian stuff. It makes it more difficult to identify the problem...

about 3 years ago - Boggzy - Direct link

Again, I don't need right now why you think the UU is not **good**, I just need to know what the bug is so I can see about getting it fixed first.
So you're saying that the torpedo tubes turn so slowly with the UU that it causes nearly a desync between client and server and prevent actually firing them more than acceptable?

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