almost 5 years ago - Femennenly - Direct link

Heyo Captains,

You will receive an email when PTS rewards are available to your registered email.

These will be distributed around the time of the patch release.


almost 5 years ago - Femennenly - Direct link

You are not "losing" progress, that would imply a backwards step. You are opting to focus on another area instead of progressing, a decision that has is up to each player to make for themselves in regards to whether toe available rewards are worth it in exchange. We recently ran the summer series event which gave players the opportunity to gain more meaningful rewards (including a free T6 premium), this data will be assessed and determined whether we do similar reward structures in future. PTS also comes with the innate reward of accessing and seeing new content ahead of its release.

We are monitoring level of PTS participation, and have means and programs to enact if we deem necessary.

Your opinion of the CV rework is not the sole representation of the playerbase. While there were definitely issues with its implementation, and balancing took a little longer than we forecast, ultimately the data points (which were shared with CCs at Summit, and then released publicly) show an increasingly positive trend in results. Not everyone has to like everything, we knew going into the rework, not everyone would like it, however to classify it as a write off entirely is just misinformed and incorrect.

I would ask you to please return to OP's topic in question as this is not an appropriate manner to air your concerns regarding CVs.
