over 4 years ago - Hapa_Fodder - Direct link


As a DD main, TBH, CV's don't bother me too much. They are more a nuisance than anything.

What is important to remember with the EU DD's is that they should NOT be capping early game, nor should they be pushing forward way ahead of the force early game. Even with their AA (at later tiers). But TBH, this is true of ALL DD's, do not go straight to a cap, do not yolo away from your team mates.

Heading out from the group for spotting and screening is nice, but if you're all out on your own, it probably will not end well. I usually move up after most the enemy team has been spotted so you know the disposition or position of the enemy team and then decide from there. If you are in a battle with a CV they typically will spot a lot of the enemy team and you'll know this fairly early.

IMO the EU DD's are and can be extremely fun, but yes, if you potato then you will get clobbered (I did this while they were in testing with @SeaRaptor00 in a CV on the other team, mistakes were made, beer was consumed).

My 2 doubloons, I have been saying for about 2 years now (well before I started working for WeeGee) that CRUISERS should ALWAYS be primary first. They are one of the larger threats to an enemy team and that is to all classes. Assuming that an enemy BB is not broad to your team, the cruisers should be pounded into submission first, this removes a major threat to your entire team. DPS is dropped, AP dmg from incoming enemy ships can be mitigated somewhat, daka daka not so much.

I recently had a battle where I was in a tier X EU DD and there was a Venezia in the back that the 3 friendly BB's ignored through the entire fight and I kept him lit. But those BB's refused to shoot at him, they engaged the 2 enemy BB's that sat parked bow tanking the entire fight. In the end the Venezia had free reign to farm SAP dmg on all of them and we lost that flank. In essence 3 ships vs 5 (I had another DD with me) and we lost that flank and I was the only one left alive...

But I digress, IMO the EU DD's are very fun!



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