over 3 years ago - Boggzy - Direct link

I am probably the only CC that really caused a ruckus about the secondary adjustment that came from the first commander skill rework earlier this year. I am going to share with you my perception of how secondaries have been adjusted this year and let you know why I actually feel the opposite.
Pre Skill-rework secondaries were mostly a meme. A few ships could use them effectively, but really it was limited to T8 and above ships. T7 and below did not benefit fully from manual targeting.
Upon the rework secondaries got a boost in range (positive) and the ability to fire from both sides even while manually targetting (positive), at the expense of a general decrease in accuracy (negative). All in all, I felt that secondaries received a net negative as the loss in overall accuracy when compared to the pre-work seemed to outweigh the gain in versatility. One thing to note, however, was that all ships T7 and below started to receive the same bonus to accuracy from Manual that 8+ did. This was huge for me.
I lobbied hard in the CC discord and on my stream to have secondaries adjusted towards accuracy. I acknowledged the good parts above, and made a case for why the negatives in spending all those skills points and modules on secondaries was a liability. I suggested two things: either give the Hannover secondary booster to secondaries in general with some tweaks, or (better yet) keep everything as it is, but make manual targetting gradually increase in accuracy over time.
I got exactly what I wanted =D .
The balancing mechanic there was to make them slightly less accurate than the rework for 10 seconds - then have them gradually increase in accuracy until they become more accurate than they ever were. This to me is a HUGE gain, overall. On top of that - T7 and below can now make FULL use of secondaries in a way that they used to only dream about. T7 Scharnhorst is a monster. Agincourt is a monster. PEF is a monster. Haven't tried Oklahoma yet =D .
Secondaries are not meant to swat destroyers - they are an alternate armament like torpedoes. They are a sort of "I've got you trapped in range - you're now on a rapidly shrinking ticking clock". Careful use of your secondaries and changing targets can mean that you will indeed be lethal to DD's that are foolish enough to expose themselves, but secondaries are not meant to be a flak cloud against DD's.

over 3 years ago - Boggzy - Direct link

They still do. Only Yamato and shiki over match the 32 mm bow of the ships you described.

in the future we will have two more battleships that can overmatched 32 mm with AP in the form of the super battleships, but for now it’s just Yamato and Shikishima.

over 3 years ago - Boggzy - Direct link

Moving your entire life 1500 miles in a 20 foot truck is hardly a vacation.

over 3 years ago - Boggzy - Direct link

Ahaaaa you skunked me. I graciously accept your superiority :)

They really shouldn’t be though, in my opinion. Think of secondaries more of “if you get trapped within my radius, a ticking clock starts for you because my dpm and fires per minute just went WAY up”. It’s not suppose to be a “whack-a-mole” tool.