over 5 years ago - Kami - Direct link

Hey RagingxMarmoset,

The Alaska is a ship that takes some practice to use correctly. KaptainKaybe hit the nail on the head, do not play the Alaska like a BB, you aren't a BB! You are still a cruiser that BBs can do massive damage to you.

Tips on playing the Alaska:

Be an opportunist: Use your concealment to get into positions to take advantage of enemy mistakes. You have good AP that you can really do some damage to cruisers.

Target choice: Focus on taking down enemy cruisers, then DDs and BBs. You are strong against cruisers first and foremost.

Radar and use: Remember, you do have radar but a longish reload. These don't go well together if you plan on fighting a DD alone. Use your radar to support your team and make sure they are ready to shoot the lit target.

Support, support and more support: You are best supporting your team with the myriad of abilities!

I know I forgot some things but honestly play the Alaska like a cruiser, not a BB and you will see more success!