over 5 years ago - - Direct link
A new Ranked Battles Season for Tier X ships starts soon. Read all about it and join the race for rewards! Read more
over 5 years ago - Femennenly - Direct link

This is a full season, the 1v1 season will be a ranked sprint and come at a later date.

The reason these ranks are not irrevocable is because it would be easy to manipulate the system to feed wins and allow quick progress.

The entire playerbase has the ability to earn and play T10 ships, there is nothing from preventing you from participating if you want to. Almost all games have a breakable barrier to entry into "ranked modes". We previously tried to offer T10 rentals for the ranked season whoever this was met with negative sentiment so we re-thought this process.


over 5 years ago - Femennenly - Direct link

Nope, full seasons do not have division enabled.

Divisions for ranked are only allowed in Ranked Sprint.

over 5 years ago - Ryuu_kun - Direct link

I'll repost my personal advice here from

If you don't have a versatile ship — just use what you're best at that fits in most battles. Just carefully look at teams composition and the map and try to predict where you have a chance to make the biggest bang.

I'm in love with Ranked Battles, probably because it's the only online PvP game that is suitable for me to git decently gud ;) (aside from Agar.io xD )

over 5 years ago - Ryuu_kun - Direct link

Grindy? Where? Do you remember the time when we had 24 ranks and 6 stars per rank in premier league?! First time i've tried ranked (season 4 IIRC) — it costed me ~500 battles to reach rank 1 but had honed my skills. Since then i only pick ships among those that i have and adjust my tactics taking into account the map and teams compositions.
Irrevocable ranks aren't such a good thing as it seems, especially when they're placed at league borders like it was in one season — some players had reached them by pure chance and turned out to be too weak for that league, you couldn't rely on them at all. So i was playing more at late evening and even night, when influx of such players was very small and the teams skill levels were more even, so the tactics and personal skill decided the battles more often.

Adding irrevocable ranks means relying more and more on pure chance. For simpler and more casual play we have ranked sprints. Good things come to those who are willing to put some effort. Personal recommendation — if you can't rank out after well let's say 300 battles — better try again in the next season after improving.

I'm an old player and ranked is still my favorite mode.

over 5 years ago - Ryuu_kun - Direct link

1) You can't fall back so far

2) If you start with bonus stars — play 1 battle to receive rewards for all "skipped" ranks