about 4 years ago - Gneisenau013 - Direct link

If you encounter any bugs or technical issues during the Public Test 0.9.2 - Part 1 session feel free to report it in this thread.

Please follow this template for submitting bugs.

1. Description Short description of an issue with required details. Example: spotting-aircraft doesn't work on Iowa battleship

2. How to reproduce
Exact steps need to be made to reproduce the issue
Example: 1.Take Iowa battleship with spotting-aircraft equipped 2. Go in battle 3. Try to launch spotting-aircraft

3. Result
What's the result of the issue.
Example: after pressing spotting-aircraft activating button you can hear an aircraft sound but nothing happens, the aircraft stands still.

about 4 years ago - Hapa_Fodder - Direct link

The PTS is not just an NA server, it is a server where all regions are playing, the long que times are because the server pop is LOW right now. If you are seeing long que times pop into coop to check functionality. The high traffic times are noon-about 2pm CST-ish.

The reason we want MORE of you to get on, is to decrease your que times during OUR playtimes. The more people on NA that play after 2pm the shorter your que times will be.


about 4 years ago - Hapa_Fodder - Direct link

I have learned that you can still play Random and Ranked, you just have to play around the peak times which is noon-2pm CST. This is also why we do the PTS starting Thurs and rolling to Sunday. It's not ideal, but if more of the NA population would get on the PTS it wouldn't be as bad in the off-peak hours of RU/EU


about 4 years ago - Hapa_Fodder - Direct link

Just a reminder to folks, if you are having bugs or issues below is the format!



1. Description Short description of an issue with required details. Example: spotting-aircraft doesn't work on Iowa battleship

2. How to reproduce
Exact steps need to be made to reproduce the issue
Example: 1.Take Iowa battleship with spotting-aircraft equipped 2. Go in battle 3. Try to launch spotting-aircraft

3. Result
What's the result of the issue.
Example: after pressing spotting-aircraft activating button you can hear an aircraft sound but nothing happens, the aircraft stands still.