over 3 years ago - Hapa_Fodder - Direct link


The issue with torpedoes shifting from the launch direction is already known. We are currently investigating it and will share the information later. We apologize for the possible inconvenience.



over 3 years ago - Maredraco - Direct link

Greetings captains!

I did not know Hapa had featured this topic to maintain you update so apologies for the lack of response here. I would like to provide updates for you here as I have done in the live stream.

Unfortunately, we were unable to implement the changes required to fix this issue on the 10.7 update. We hope to be able to implement this change on the upcoming patch. I will continue to update you as I hear more information.

Thank you!

Correct, I know this is a Band-Aid fix but for now I recommend straitening out the wheel before firing when possible.

over 3 years ago - Maredraco - Direct link

Hello everyone,

I just jumped in the public test in a training room. I was not able to reproduce the bug on the 10.8 that is there. Can anyone please confirm? If it happens please send me a replay.


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