almost 6 years ago - Kami - Direct link

Hey Avrova1904,

As other players have mentioned the Clemson is known to be a pretty good ship at lower tiers. You got good guns, a lot of torpedoes and decent speed. DDs at those tiers tend to have low HP so any ship that you can fire a lot of shells down range can cause them issues. One ship I haven't seen mentioned and maybe because it does not have as much utility is the good ole St. Louis. This is ship upgraded has so many guns to use and the reload time on them is not bad.

RN BBs at that tier are also great because of the HE that those ships have. To be honest what it comes down to is you as the commander dissecting the situation and knowing how to counter other DDs. This is something that you will learn over time. You will see a lot of suggestions to ships but you have to comfortable in the ships that you like.

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