over 4 years ago - Femennenly - Direct link


I reviewed what I assumed the thread you're referring to was. It was deemed non-constructive and thus closed and locked.

We have absolutely no issue with players criticizing elements of the game, we do ask though that it is constructive in nature. As such, there are several active and unlocked threads on the very same topics of matchmaking; here's my list for the week on the topic:

If you don't like something, say why, explain how you would make it better. Going the route of that thread which was designed to incite unrest, is just not the way to go.

As someone who spends majority of their day compiling community feedback and concerns, I want to hear yours - I just need it to be constructive.

On the topic of rules, please be aware that discussing moderation issues in threads is not allowed, if you or anyone has issues with moderation actions, please drop me a DM and I will follow up with you.


over 4 years ago - Femennenly - Direct link

.... *head tilt*

Moderators do not set out to hide threads or posts. They only do so as a last resort if a thread has gotten so off track or in breach of the rules. On a daily basis maybe 5 threads get shut down, from which maybe 1 is hidden.

As yes, there is opportunity; you PM the community team (myself atm) and we assess it, if moderation action needs to be undone, we undo it. Typically tho, we offer the thread a chance to get back on track before moderating it.

Players are welcome to free speech, however with this being a privately owned forum, we have the right to ensure our rules are being upheld. As I motioned in my previous reply, several threads on the same topic are still alive and well because they do conform to the rules.

Ultimately, I'm sorry you disagree with our processes, but the moderation guidelines help keep the community safe and toxicity low, and as a whole we are pleased with how that is working currently.
