Welcome back, Captains!
Over the Holiday we held a contest encouraging you all to send us your creations for Holiday Cards! We received a boat-load of excellent submissions and ultimately came down to a winner that we all felt was very funny. Unfortunately, we were made aware that the winning submission may have been a bit too "copied" from another source and ran afoul of the intended rules of the contest.
Not wanting to be Grinches, we decided that the fault was on the NA office for not making explicitly clear the rules of the submissions. I blame the egg-nog. Because of this, we believe that it would not be the right thing to deny the initial winner their prizes, and have instead elected to vote on another winner and let you all know why each member of the staff came to their choice!
To this end, the WG NA Staff chose to elect the "WoWS Xmas Tree" Card submitted by "JoeChan918"
Twitter: https://twitter.com/joechan918
"My vote is for the handmade card. They took the time to make an actual card with 3D elements. It features camo, items, and characters from our game. It was also a family project."
"I like it because they put in some effort creating something from scratch!"
"It looks quite well done, and the WoWs theme is very apparent "
"I would be tickled absolutely pink if I got this card in the mail. The Supercontainer and Distant Voyages additions make perfect under-tree gifts!"
The decision was hard for most of us to come to, but we also loved the drawing from "Jeb_the_Wolfo"
Twitter: https://twitter.com/JebWolfo
"I also really like the handmade card but I am going to throw my vote behind the "Bring a boat load of holiday cheer" hand drawn one. It has a really good blend of WoWS references combined with a lot of holiday cheer. Also really like the Bulk Sleigh name and I am a sucker for a pun..."
JoeChan918 will be receiving the prizes this time around, and we thank each and every one of you for participating. We love to see what kind of creativity can come out of the community!
Fair Winds, Captains!