over 4 years ago - Hapa_Fodder - Direct link

So just because we haven't caught this one instance of a possible bot you think we don't do it at all? This is very untrue. As you said yourself the account is less than a month old. I have seen players that have had the same amount of battles in the same amount of time, and considering world events more people are at home playing. And TBH, I have seen players like this in battle, literally asked them if they are a bot and had them reply in chat much to my own surprise....

I am not discount that this MIGHT be a bot, however.

Not sure why you think this, we DO NOT want bots in our game and seek them out actively. I see the reports daily. So......



over 4 years ago - Hapa_Fodder - Direct link


May I remind you that personal attacks are not allowed. Constructive criticism or conversations don't include jabs.
