over 5 years ago - Kami - Direct link

Hey Zaydin,

A few questions to begin with:

What ship were you playing or you saying this in general?

You mention you can see them shooting in smoke, what preventive measures did you take to disengage yourself?

The Kitakaze and Harugumo can both be nuisances to you but you can do a few things to negate that. Firstly you can make sure you are at a range where they cannot reliably hit you and you have a chance to disengage. The Harugumo is also very vulnerable to large caliber shells (BB shells do a lot of damage). Make sure you are communicating with your teammates to torpedo their smoke or radar their smoke. You might be in a ship that is having a tough time dealing with a gunboat DD but you will have teammates that are better equipped to help you.

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