Hey Captains,
This is an interesting discussion! I am not sure that I agree 100% agree that the more barrels the better and here is why: Some of the ships with less barrels have other characteristics that make them better than ships with more barrels.
First Comparison:
Yamato versus Montana: The classic 9 barrel 18.1 in guns of the Yamato versus the 12 barrel 16 in guns of the Montana.
Yamato advantages:
18.1 in guns being the largest in the game! This means the Yamato can overmatch most armor in the game.
The accuracy of the Yamato rewards good aim, this is due to the high sigma value and good dispersion.
Shell damage per shell is a bit higher (second highest in the game).
Accuracy and ROF can further be improved with the Unique Upgrade.
Montana advantages:
Number of guns, 12 barrels gives you more "mass" per salvo.
Heaviest broadside in the game and best DPM.
More shells, means more chances to do damage and this really shows when you are targeting DDs and cruisers.
SHS (super heavy shells) that do great damage if they penetrate. Comparable to GK in damage per shell.
Dispersion is decent but still a bit of a shotgun effect.
Advantage: Yamato!
This comparison is just taking the guns into account. This is kind of the comparison that is fun to make and there will be players on both sides of the conversation. I personally choose the Yamato over the Montana because of a few distinct reasons.
Yamato's ability to overmatch most armor, this is really important when you are facing bow on BBs and cruisers that can be troublesome for the Montana to deal reliable damage to.
Yamato's ability to do reliable damage to most tier X cruisers, where the Montana can struggle with angled cruisers with thicker armor.
Accuracy, for the most part if I miss in the Yamato it is not because my shells didn't go where I aimed. I also find when I am away from the Yamato for a bit, my accuracy suffers and that is because I am not used to the shells going where I am aiming for the most part.
Second Comparison:
Warspite versus Fuso: The accurate eight 15 in guns of the Grand Old Lady versus the twelve 14 in guns of the classical name of Japan, the Fuso!
Warspite advantages:
15 inch guns that are able to overmatch most if not all other ships at the same tier.
Accurate guns that most of the time go where you aim.
Average reload but keeps you firing at a good pace.
Fuso advantages:
Lots of barrels, this leads to a big shotgun like effect!
Great reload time for tier VI, allowing you to fire more salvos than your contemporaries.
Long range and still the longest at tier VI I believe.
Decent HE if you have to use it, making fighting higher tier BBs a bit easier.
Advantage: Fuso!
Of course this is my opinion but I would much rather take the Fuso, but it is close. I like the accuracy of the Warspite but she is at some very distinct disadvantages and these include: range, dealing with DDs and barrels.
So you can see in both of these comparisons the strenths of the ships (missed some probably) and you can see where number of barrels can play a role!
What are some comparisons you captains make when choosing a ship to play?