over 2 years ago - Boggzy - Direct link

Nice table!
I'm looking into this, but your example is big and bread enough that I'm having trouble tracking things. Give me some time to look through it.
At first glance, I believe you are not factoring in the fact that the FXP modifier was just doubled from 5% to 10%, so that would account for the FXP discrepancy in your example.
Regarding CXP, I need to check and see if there is something missing from your math.
Thanks for taking the time to actually write out an argument with math!

over 2 years ago - Boggzy - Direct link

Ah, I see what you are saying here.
So your claim is that the overall value of a "Gift Container" has gone down because the average eco bonus that comes from the contents now is generally less than before. I think it's important to highlight that comparing the old eco signals to expendable bonuses now is not a 1-1 ratio. However, you make a good point that the overall value of a Gift Container may be low.

That's an important distinction to make. It does not mean that you are fundamentally wrong here, but it does mean that the entire picture is not seen.

Few of the containers that had signals / boosters will have an exact corresponding match in the new system. The two are simply not going to line up perfectly every time, but ones that are orders of magnitude off are important to note, so I will make sure this gets brought up.
Thank you!

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