I can understand why you would call for my opinion given that I was a primary CV player pre 8.0. I have abstained from adding much commentary beyond what is public fact since personally I don't have much experience in the new CVs as due to motion they make me feel quite ill (something I have stated pre-rework several times when asked why I don't play flight sim/FPP games). While I do have some established opinions based on my limited play and playing against. I have tried to remain mostly neutral so I can assess and address player concerns without self bias.
While I do believe that iChase is a very strong player, I do feel like I would've played this round differently if I was commanding his ship. Whether that would've resulted in a different result, your guess would be as good as mine. The overall sentiment he is expressing however, is valid. Being lone targeted by a CV is not fun, and in certain ships it does feel like there is nothing you can do. iChase has brought many tremendous videos to the community as has helped many captains over the years, and as any player he is of course is allowed to express his frustrations over an element he is not enjoying.
Whether additional factors added to him targetted (Being a CC / New ship / etc) we will never know as we don't know the mind of the opposing CV player. Based on my experiences both facing and behind a CV, the only situations I've (been) heavily focused (in) one ship was when they were drastically out of position or a direct threat to my(their) own ship. We have acknowledged we're still not 100% set on the current position of CVs and their interactions within the game (Cite Sub_Octavian on Reddit) and we have more changes that are in testing.
I think Chase's video does represent a factor that many of the community can relate to, unfortunately this is exaggerated due to his obvious frustration and (probable) intentional targeting within this match.
In regards to personally defending CVs from Nerf bats; if there is data that warrants a change to be tested, and the test results a more balanced game for all, then I am in favor of that change. What is important is what is right for the game balance as a whole. We know its taking longer than we want to get there but progress is being made.