over 2 years ago - Boggzy - Direct link

Tiers 5-8 have been in the situation you describe for years.

Superships function as a Tier 11 in terms of how the matchmaker works. Nothing fundamental has changed and T9 are not suffering in overall performance.

T7 is still the tier that has the most difficult time being double up-tiered due to modification options and armor thresholds. T9's are, for all intents and purposes, better suited for handling superships than T7 are for handling T9.

EDIT: Also, there is nothing to "fix" in the Match-maker in this situation. T9 and T10 are not longer the protected tiers that they used to be.

over 2 years ago - Boggzy - Direct link

In fact, I agree! Many of my favorite Battleships and Cruisers are at Tier 7.

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