over 5 years ago - Kami - Direct link

Hey MakersMike,

So the German cruiser line is quite interesting in progression while you move through the middle tiers. You start off with ships that are light cruiser caliber, get the Yorck with its unique gun size and then you get the standard 203mms. I am going to list what I would recommend and use (there will definitely be variations).

This is my current build: https://worldofwarships.com/en/content/captains-skills/?skills=3,8,12,14,17,23,28&ship=Cruiser

With 10 points I would focus on getting:

Priority Target (must)

Expert Marksman (must)

Superintendent (you can also use Demo Expert here)

Concealment Expert (must)

Once you start getting your points past 10 is where you get the chance to build your ship the way you want to a point.

Good luck and enjoy German cruisers!