over 4 years ago - Ryuu_kun - Direct link

I'd recommend choosing the most universal ship between those you have and handle really well. Even if you're godlike with Asashio — you shouldn't bring it to T8 clan battle for example. The more universal your ship is — the more chances you get at changing the outcome of battle regardless of map and team composition, or, at least, getting decent XP. Pure torp destroyer? Miss 3-4 first torpedo salvos — and it would be very hard to change anything at that point.

I've started on Grozovoi and despite not meeting CVs yet — doing pretty well, only lost one battle for now (not as top XP though). On rank 5 i plan to switch to Daring because it's daringly versatile! (unless some Henry or Kleber decides to chase you)

It's not random PvP, top league players know the weaknesses of Kremlin, like aforementioned AP bombers or not allowing it to decrease the distance with you. Yeah, it tanks well, but tanking does not grant as much XP, so if another flank fails — oops. It's not clan battles, while you can and should sacrifice yourself sometimes — you should still aim to perform personally well, no pure spotting, no pure tanking.

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