over 5 years ago - Kami - Direct link

Rank Sprint:

The fifth season of the Ranked Sprint will start on July 3rd and will run for a week until July 10th. Due to the decrease in the number of days, the complexity of the season is reduced - by 5, 4 and 3 ranks you need to get one star less to reach the next rank. The rewards of the season remain unchanged.

The sixth season will pass without changes: begin on July 11 and will go 12 days, till July 23.

Due to the error with the start of Sprint, the display of badges for achievements in the 12th Rank season will be reset. In the future, rank badges from the main Ranked Battles season will not be reset with the start of the Ranked Sprints but will remain available until at least one Ranked Battle has been played.

Balance Changes:

Improved parameters of commander skill Survivability Expert: now increased aircraft HP for each ship tier is +25 instead of +15 (+30 instead of +20 unique commanders). At Tier X, this will give an increase of 250 points to aircraft HP, which will strengthen the aircraft by more than 10% and will allow the squadron to live longer under AA, taking into account the latest changes in mechanics in the update 0.8.5.

Fixed the following bugs:

Fixed a bug that prevented user music from playing when the setting "Listen to your own music" turn on.

Displays the names of the ships and the values range on the mini map no longer depend on the settings of alternative interface mode. They are now displayed on the Alt button or when the corresponding setting is enabled.

Contents of the standard container "Rogue Wave" is aligned with the description on the portal. Containers that were received and not opened prior to update will also adjust their contents to correct.

Fixed a bug that would show the wrong clan tag on the patch when selecting a player in the team lists before, during, and after a battle.